One Tree Planted Partnership (Hydrogen)

Each order placed plants a tree!

We plant 1 tree for every product sold

thanks to Small OneTreePlanted logo

We’re Happy to Announce that we’ve Partnered with One Tree Planted !

The partnership is designed to be simple for customers to get involved in global reforestation. For every order from 🍃EcoQuality, our company will donate directly to One Tree Planted. The trees are planted by local partner organizations and community volunteers in areas where there has been deforestation. Providing jobs to over 1.6 billion people, empowering women in underdeveloped nations, and supporting communities devastated by environmental damage.

Man gets tree plant in his hands


The Benefits of Planting Trees for Our Planet

More than 80% of the world's wildlife finds habitat in trees, which also help clean the air we breathe and filter the water we drink. Over 1.6 billion people have jobs thanks to forests, which also contain essential components for 25% of all medicines and remove harmful carbon from the atmosphere.

OneTreePlanted logo upon forest


Learn More About One Tree Planting Projects

One Tree Planted is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit on a mission to make it simple for anyone to help the environment by planting trees. Their projects span the globe and are done in partnership with local communities and knowledgeable experts to create an impact for nature, people, and wildlife. Reforestation helps to rebuild forests after fires and floods, provide jobs for social impact, and restore biodiversity. Many projects have overlapping objectives, creating a combination of benefits that contribute to the UN's Sustainable Development Goals.

OneTreePlanted team on location

About One Tree Planted

Get inspired with One Tree Planted

Before One Tree Planted has even reached a decade of planting, they have been able to get more than 40,000,000 trees in the ground! This year alone, 23,588,232 trees were planted through 166 projects in 42 countries around the world. But as they often say, reforestation is about so much more than just trees. From supporting over 35,000 farming families to employing/involving over 5,000 women and engaging over 39,000 volunteers, they’re so proud of the lasting social and economic impact that they’ve made, together. As the proverb goes, it takes a village. And we couldn’t have done any of this without our incredible global village of supporters, volunteers, partners and tree ambassadors. To learn more, visit

Join us in Making a Difference!

We Care Deeply about the Planet and creating a Business that gives back to Nature. That’s why we’re thrilled to share that we’re Donating to 🌱 One Tree Planted for Every Order!⁠